Bentley & The Crew
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Hey! Hi! What’s Up? I’m Bentley, the cutest, fluffiest, black & white puppy that you ever will see. I even have a unique black comma on my butt that you have to see to believe. My very bestest, not-furry, human friend is Betty. Do you want to know some fantastic, super funny, crazy cool awesome things about me??? Well get ready because here they are:
- My favoristic color is tie dye of course. What other color could it be?
- My day of birth is December 9th.
- I never not ever do I ever eat anything when I am home alone.
- My favorite games to play are fetch u0026amp; tug.
- When it is time for bed I won’t jump on the bed until the light is turned on.
- I’m an extremely pampered, very posh dog u0026amp; my favorite store is Tiffany u0026amp; Co. which is where my collar with silver bone charm u0026amp; eating/drinking bowls are from.
- I never wear clothes except special occasions & every night I absolutely have to sleep in pj’s with Betty’s face on them.
- I have to always, can’t ever stop chasing squirrels & cats in the back yard.

Hi, Hello, I’m Betty. I’m Bentley’s bestest not-furry friend in this whole wide world. I don’t know what I would ever do without him, he means EVERYTHING to me. The entire Crew is sharing fantabulous, funtastic, totally groovy, out of this word facts about themselves so get ready here are mine:
- My favoristic color is purple.
- My day of birth is May 28th.
- I was named after the author’s grandmother Betty also known as Mammalw.
- My favorite flower is the African Violet.
- My favorite, absolutely don’t ever want to do anything other than this is hangin’ with The Crew.
- I always sleep in pj’s with Bentley’s face on them.
- I absolutely, despise, even hate wearing matching socks & hair accessories.
- Everyday when I walk to school Mr. Bee always flies along beside me.

Mr. Bee
Howdy, Howdy, Hi, Hi, Hello I’m Mr. Bee super special 2nd bestest friend of Bentley & Betty. I came buzzing around when Bentley was just a really really young pup and wouldn’t go away and now we are super bestest friends. Some really funtabulous, fabtastic, awesomeness about me that the only other people that know are Bentley & Betty are:
- My favoristic color is yellow.
- My day of birth is July 4th.
- I absolutely love hanging out with the most supercalifabulistic lady bug in the whole wide world, Laila Ladybug.
- I can never play hide & seek because I buzz really, really crazy loud and everyone always hears me coming.
- Laila Ladybug is my first ever crush.
- I love sitting on a flower reading really, super funtastic, always keeps me laughing books.
- Coloring is my 2nd favorite thing to do and I love to do it with my Mamma.
- I can’t go to sleep at night unless I have socks on my feet.

Tito Tiger
Hey, Hi, Howdy. I’m Tito Tiger and I am always, absolutely always never not covered in paint from head to toe. When I grow up I will be going to The New School Pearsons School of Design in the Big Gigantic Apple called New York City. Some really super duper de duper funtabulistic facts you couldn’t know about me are:
- My favoristic color is green.
- My day of birth is October 10th.
- I’m the oldest of 7 brothers, some say I’m the king of the family.
- I never stop doodling in my doodle book which never ever no never leaves my side.
- My tongue is always out when I am painting.
- I hope to be as famous as Andy Warthog one day very super soon.
- My favorite snack is Cheetos.
- My cousin is Aubie the Tiger, Mascot for the Auburn Tigers.

Eloise Elephant
Hi there, I’m Eloise Elephant, I’m the most superdeduper friendliest person you ever will meet. I’m very curious and am always getting in trouble for brienging home every stray animal I find. Very very very special facts I know you couldn’t ever, never ever know about me is:
- My favoristic color is every every absolutely every shade of purple and I wear it every absolutely every single day.
- My day of birth is August 8th and I share my day of birth with Molly Moose chef extraordinaire.
- I’m on the dive team and just might want to be a super great fantabulous diver one day because I absolutely, yes I can be great at everything.
- KaiKai Kangaroo and I practice at the same pool, he swims & I dive.
- I am going to be a pet vet because I couldn’t imagine not getting to take care of all of the amazing animals in the whole entire world.
- I create crazy, super funny colorful booboo aids when I take care of “The Crew” and stray animals.
- My favorite subject in school is science.
- I have dyslexia so reading takes me just a little bit longer than everyone else.

George Giraffe
Hello, Hello, Hello, I’m George Giraffe and my favorite thing to do in this entire universe is to bake anything scrumptiously delicious. I am the most positive person that you will ever meet in this entire universe, my measuring cup is always half full. Some groovy, cool, colorfully, outrageous facts you don’t know about me are:
- My favoristic color is ocean blue.
- My day of birth is December 17th.
- When I grow up I am definitely, 1,000% going to be in a mindblowing, outrageous, coolest cake challenge against Duff Goldfinch for best cake designer in America.
- My most absolute, favorite thing in the whole wide world to bake are cupcakes and cakes.
- I love to wear crazy colored funny aprons when I bake.
- I am definitely, 1,000,000,000% no is not an option going to attend Le Purple Ribbon culinary school in Paris France with Molly Moose.
- Molly Moose & I are going to open a food truck when we finish culinary school.
- I absolutely, can’t stop, teaching people how to bake.

Tessy Turtle
Hi, Hi, Howdy I’m Tessy Turtle and unlike other turtles I am super- duper, outrageously fast. I can’t explain it, I just have always been fast!! I want to share some out of this universe, super crazy fun facts about me that you won’t ever, no never guess:
- My favoristic color is red.
- My day of birth is August 9th.
- My nickname that everybody calls me is Speedy.
- My backpack is overflowing with books all the time because I read every chance I get. Reading is the most funtabulous thing that you can do.
- When I grow up I want to be a journalist just like Barbara Walrus. She was the bestest reporter ever and I can’t wait to be just like her.
- My shell changes colors when my mood changes.
- I run every day with Cairo Crocodile, he is my very bestest friend.
- I will only wear Red bandanas on my head.

kaiKai kangaroo
Hey Hey!! I’m KaiKai Kangaroo and I’m a swimmer who dreams of going to Auburn University and the Olympics one day!! I can be superdeduper shy but once you get to know me, I chat up a storm. Some awesomeness about me that I know you couldn’t, absolutely not, never, no way know about me is:
- My favoristic color is blue.
- My day of birth is September 30th.
- Some of the crazy wacky members of our “Crew” like to call me Kylie but I’m not much of a fan.
- I absolutely do not like and even hate having early morning swim practices.
- I always must, cannot miss wearing my swim goggles everywhere.
- Math is my absolutely favorite, I cannot live without numbers.
- I am currently begging my parents for a pet octopus.
- I have a big whole hearted crush on Eloise Elephant.

Molly Moose
Well hello there I’m Molly Moose and I am going to be the best chef in all the world. I am definitely, 1,000,000,000% no is not an option going to attend Le Purple Ribbon culinary school in Paris France. I am very bestest friend material and am always happy, happy, happy. Some funtabulous, super awesome things that you couldn’t, absolutely not, never, no way know about me is:
- My favoristic color is purple.
- My day of birth is August 8th and I share my day of birth with Eloise Elephant.
- I love to make tacos and make them at least once a week.
- For my birthday my NeeNee gave me the very best top of the line bestest KitchenHelper mixer.
- I do gymnastics and flip all over the place.
- My very bestest can’t live without pal is George Giraffe.
- I’m happiest when I’m wearing an apron.
- I have so many, too many to count, cookbooks covering my bedroom wall and still want more.

Felicity Fox
Hi, Hi, Hello, Hello I’m Felicity Fox and I am always, absolutely always focused on what I am doing. I am super super clever. I love being a member of The Crew and going on crewventures. Some fantabulous, funtastic, facts about me that you couldn’t guess in a million, billion years are:
- My favoristic color is green like my big, big beautiful eyes.
- My day of birth is December 31st.
- I read every day. When I say I read, I mean I always have 5 books in my backpack, yes 5 and I read all of them absolutely positively every single day
- I can’t wait until I am old enough to read Judy Blossom books.
- The most magnificent place to read is by the pool at the watering hole.
- When you see me reading DO NOT DISTURB me I am in the zone.
- My biggest wish is that the entire Crew could all live together because we have so much super-duper, crazy fun when we sleep under the stars together.
- I dream of becoming an actress when I grow up, bigger than Meryl Sheep.

Francesca Flamingo
Ciao Darlings. I’m Francesca Flamingo and I am the biggest, fabtastic, diva of The Crew. I love the finer things in life, my family owns Fucci and I am going to be the worldly, famous head designer one day. Some extremely, super, amazingly awesome facts you don’t know about me are:
- My favoristic color is impossible purple.
- My day of birth is January 1st also known as Fabuary because I am so Fabulous.
- I am magnificently, uniquely out of this world because I was born with only one leg.
- Fashion is absolutely my passion and will never ever no never change.
- I am so fabulously gorgeous I inspire others to show their most tremendously, fabulous self.
- I can’t wait to grow up and wear my Aunt Josephine’s strand of pearls, just like Bear Waldorf.
- Faux fur is definitely my coolest, out of this world, favorite, accessory.
- I might be a diva but I am the most loyal friend ever.

Paulo Parrot
Hey, Hey, Hi, Hi, Ho, Ho I’m Paulo Parrot. I’m the absolute, no one funnier parrot in all the land. I’m so funny you are probably laughing right now!!! Did I mention that I am super, super, super crazy funny? Let me tell you some of the funny, crazy, funtabulous facts about me that you would never guess:
- My favoristic color is every wonderful, gorgeous funny shade of green.
- My day of birth is August 14th.
- The most hilarious, roll on the floor laughing, bring tears to your eyes joke I ever wrote is “Why do skunks love Valentines Day? Because they are scent-imental critters!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha.
- I am never, ever, ever, no not ever serious.
- When I grow up I am going to be funnier than Steve Marlin, my comic crush.
- My funniest word that I created is Hippopotomonsterous and it means really, really, bigger than big extra extra extra large. Doesn’t that word just make you laugh????
- I am going to be the first ever parrot to perform at The Laugh Shop in LaLa Land.
- I have to sleep with a teeny, teeny, tiny, eensy, weensy nightlight on. Now don’t laugh at that, that ISN’T funny!!

BoBo Bunny
So, hey, nice to meet you I’m BoBo Bunny and I’m the heart lover of the crew, some like to call me Lovey Dovey. My bestest features are my really, really, really long floppy ears and my big gigantic puff ball tail. Some hip hop hippity funny fun facts that you need to know about me are:
- My favoristic color is all the shades of red and pink.
- My day of birth is, you guessed it, Valentines Day, February 14th.
- My favorite month is Loveuary!!!
- I give the bestest crush advice.
- When I grow up I want to be a Doctor of Love.
- I have the bluest eyes you ever did see.
- I dream of one day traveling to the capital of Love……aka…….Paris.
- Everything I wear has hearts on it.

Fiona flounder
Hello, Hi, I’m Fiona Flounder and I want to be your very bestest flounder friend. Do you want to know some groovy, fabtastic, funtabulous facts about me that you could never find out from anyone else? Read on to find out…
- My favoristic color is pink.
- My day of birth is June 13th.
- I never leave home without my journal and I write in it every day.
- I am afraid of everything, yes, yes, yes, everything. I scare really easy but The Crew makes me feel safe.
- I saw a hippotomonsterous under my bed.
- I dream of writing books one day like Judy Blossom and be on the NY Climbs best seller list.
- I love love, love the color pink so, so much I wear it absolutely every single day.
- I always beg my mom to take me to the meadow to pick goovy, smell so good flowers.

Laila Ladybug
Hey, Hey, it’s me Laila Ladybug and I love to dance. I love it so very much I can’t dance enough and try to dance with anyone & everyone. There are some many funky, fun, crazy, out of this universe facts that I could tell you about me but I will try to keep the list short:
- My favoristic color is any color that SPARKLES.
- My day of birth is December 13th.
- I was born without one wing so flying around a lot can be difficult but all my friends in The Crew let me ride on their shoulder any time I get tired.
- Mr. Bee is my very bestest bumble bee friend 100% talk absolutely every day.
- I can’t live without playing music. After all, I need it to dance and you know I have to dance absolutely every day.
- Some say I can be a little sassy but I like to say I’m just being me.
- I’m taking art lessons from Tito Tiger.
- I can’t go to sleep at night without listening to music.

Manaar Meerkat
Yo, What’s up?? I’m Manaar Meerkat and I love to rock out on the drums!! I absolutely, positively, no I mean it, I can’t wait to meet my favorite drummer Cravis Barker!! Some really, awesome, totally cool facts about me that I’m sure you don’t know are:
- My favoristic color is black.
- My day of birth is November 14th.
- My parents had to build me a special bedroom so I could play my drums and not make the neighbors mad.
- I always, always, always wear a heart tattoo sticker on my cheek.
- My mohawk changes colors weekly.
- When I grow up I’m going to be an extra, out of this world drummer and play in a rock band like the Squint 182’s.
- I never, ever, ever, no not ever leave the house without my Ray-Bon sunglasses.
- Every jacket in my closet is black.

Oscar Owl
Yo I’m Oscar Owl, I don’t like to do much, I’m really really messy. My bedroom is a total disaster. I can’t even see my bedroom floor. I know you want to learn some really funtabulous, crazy cook facts about me so here goes:
- My favoristic color is brown.
- My day of birth is March 1st.
- One word that describes me is mazy, you know messy & lazy.
- Everyone in The Crew has these big dreams and aspires to be something really terrifically fabulous when they grow up but I am not there yet. I don’t have a clue what I want to do.
- I am extremely sarcastic and no one really ever understands me.
- My absolutely super-duper de duper amazingly fantastic day is just sitting in a tree watching everyone at the watering hole.
- I am the town gossip, I definitely know absolutely everything about everyone in the town and in Doggywood I love to share it ALL.
- I keep up with all of the Doggywood pupculture from TMC with Harvey Lemon.

Milo Monkey
Hello, Ciao, Hola, Bon jour, Ia Orana, I’m Milo Monkey and I love, love, yes love and did I say I love everything about the world and learning about different cultures. I am so amazeballs I just said hello to you in 5 different languages. Some Fabtabulistic, awesomeness that you couldn’t possibly, nope you don’t know about me are:
- My favoristic color is light blue like the sky.
- My day of birth is July 22nd.
- Geography is my bestest subject.
- My dreamiest trip of all is to visit Bora Bora!! Have you ever been? Was it fun? I gotta gotta know!!
- I am going to be the top dude in travel one fine day.
- My hat makes me the coolest kid in town.
- My backpack is absolutely always filled with books about travel.
- You will never ever no never see me sad. I am always happy happy happy.

Cairo Crocodile
Hi, Hi, Hi, I’m Cairo Crocodile and I have super big, extra large muscles because I workout at Croc Fitness everyday!!! I’m a great teacher and keep The Crew fit. We workout everyday doing something fun indoors or out. I am super-duper de duper excited to tell you all the funny facts about myself that you don’t already know:
- My favoristic color is orange.
- My day of birth is May 2nd.
- My idol is The Crock and one day my muscles are going to be as big and ginormous as his.
- I want to go to the Olympics one day just like KaiKai Kangaroo.
- I have a very cute, funny pet iguana named Ziggy.
- I truly, for sure positively love sunny spots!!
- I pick my mom a bouquet of the most beautiful, amazingly colorful flowers every week.
- Absolutely, positively, for sure my truly favorite class in school is gym class.

DeeDee Dolphin
Hiya I’m DeeDee Dolphin the queen of all queens in The Crew!! Isn’t my crown and sash just the absolute best? So you want to know some amazingly, zany, interestingly unique facts about me, well read on to find out all the juicy details about me!! Your favorite Dolphin…
- My favoristic color is peach.
- My day of birth is November 1st.
- I am going to be Miss Animal Kingdom one day. I just know I am because it is everything that I want in this whole wide world.
- I only wear my crown & sash on special occasions, when I’m not wearing it I keep it in a special case.
- I absolutely adore my little sister Diamond and watch her all the time when my parents are busy.
- Every Saturday I never ever miss going to the watering hole and swim and play in the sun all day long.
- When my grandma comes to visit we always eat peanut butter & banana sandwiches in bed and play the card game old maids.
- I keep begging my parents for a pet turtle but they keep telling me no!!

CiCi Crab
Well hello there, I’m CiCi Crab and I’m bold, brassy and a whole lot sassy and I have the most amazeballs voice you will ever hear. There are so many absolutely, wonderfully funtabulous things about me that you couldn’t possibly know so listen up:
- My favoristic color is magenta.
- My day of birth is April 1st.
- When I am old enough I am going to audition for Animal Idol and meet Ryan Sealcrest.
- The fancy microphone I practice with has so many super shiny fantabulous sparkles on it I can’t count them all.
- My amazingly awesome mom is my singing coach & manager.
- I absolutely can’t live without eating waffles twice a day every single day.
- I visit my grandma every day no matter what it is a definite can’t miss, always have to do it.
- My absolutely favorite thing to do to relax is to go to the local watering hole and hang with The Crew.

Po Peacock
Hello I’m Po Peacock and I’m a super carefree parrot that is obsessively obsessive about all things weather related. Can you say obsessed with clouds, thunder, lightning, snowstorms, heat waves AND It is far-out, groovy and way super cool to love the weather. I have so many crazy fabtastic funfactoids that you never could know but I am going to tell them all to you right this very minute:
- My favoristic color is yellow like the sun.
- My day of birth is August 20th.
- I dream absolutely every single night about going to the Owl Roker school of weather so I can be on the Tomorrow Show just like him.
- My bestest days are spent laying outside looking up at the clouds during the day and the stars at night.
- I’m very sensitive I cry at happy things and really sad things.
- One day when I live in the big gigantic apple called New York City I am going to ride my bike through Central Park.
- I will never ever ever, no never be without my cellphone because I have to constantly be monitoring the weather and sharing with all of my followers.
- I sleep in pj’s that have rain clouds all over them.

Coco Centipede
Howdy, Hi, Hi, I’m Coco Centipede and I am very, very excited to meet you. Are you ready to go on some awesome, absolutely, neato, super great crewventures with us? I will be your very bestest centipede friend and am ready to share some bang-up, swell, crackerjack facts about me that you can’t possible, no way ever know about me:
- My favoristic color is mismatched colors of course!!!
- My day of birth is November 12th.
- I love watching all of the young, super, cute, sweet baby brothers & sisters of The Crew.
- I always wear different colored shoes on my bazillion feet.
- I can be supercalifragilisticexpialidociously shy at times.
- If I could, I would go to the local watering hole every, every single day with CiCi Crab.
- My absolutely, very, very bestest friend is CiCi Crab.
- I’m the secretary of Bentely’s Dogtourage Club – Are you a member yet???

Sakura Sloth
Hey, hey, hi I’m Sakura Sloth and I’m not like other sloths. I’m almost always different colors because I’m confused about what my feelings are so I show all my feelings at once. That makes me uniquely amazing but there are so many more groovtastic, funny, crazy things about me that I absolutely cannot wait to share with you:
- My favoristic color is lavender.
- My day of birth is September 22nd.
- I’m a super crazy fast, nobody can ever catch me, swimmer.
- Because I can swim super, crazy fast I’m a lifeguard at the local watering hole.
- I love doing Croc Yoga at Croc Fitness with Cairo Crocodile. It makes me feel happy and relaxed like I am floaty on a big fat fluffy cloud.
- I still sleep with a super fuzzy blanket shaped like a butterfly that my great NeeNee made me when I was a tiny pup.
- I like to help my mom water her plants every week.
- I love, love, love to color.

Ollie Octopus
Hi, hi, hi, there, I’m Ollie Octopus If words could make sound, you could hear me playing one of my pop rock faves just for you right now. You won’t meet a friendlier more innovative octopus than me and oh do I have some out of this universe, kosmic fashion style. I’m guessing I’m supposed to share some awesomeness about me, well let’s get rockin-n-rollin and get those fun facts flowin:
- My favoristic color is the fantabulous color red!!
- My day of birth is March 25th.
- I don’t really need to wear glasses, but I love how they complete my kosmic fashion looks. I have 33.5 different pairs of glasses. .5 how is that possible you ask? Well, I fell on stage once and broke my favorite pair of glasses in half so that’s how I have the .5 pair. I still wear them; it’s going to be the next fashion trend. I guarantee it, I really, really do.
- I want to be an architect when I grow up like Floyd Wright. He designed my favorite building ever called Falling Water Falls.
- I am just gaga for famous buildings around the world. They have so much pizzazzazz. What is your favorite building?
- I am really, really, really absolutely pawsitively amazeballs at playing the guitar keyboard.
- I want Manaar Meerkat, Le’on Lion, Cici Crab, Brewster Rooster, and I to start a band one day and be on the cover of Rolling Rock magazine!
- I love watching baseball. My favorite team is the Pink Sox, and my all-time absolutely favorite player ever is Ollie Ortiz aka Big Popeye homerun king! (Yes, he is my namesake)

Bella Butterfly
Hello sweet, sweet friends, Bella Butterfly and I am as unique as my beautiful fluttery wings. I am the chattiest flutterby that you will ever, ever meet and I have a bidillion, zillion things I want to share with you about me, but I guess I will keep it to just a few but boy is it going to be hard.
- My favoristic color is every single color of the rainbow.
- My day of birth is Dec 13th.
- My favoristic color is every single color of the rainbow.
- I love to talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. Some of the crew even say I talk too, too, too, too much but I don’t know how anyone could ever talk too, too, too, too much! Talking is so fun.
- My favorite pastime is reading, especially reading to all the littles I babysit. I love reading Bentley’s Fantabulous Idea and anything else written by the magatabulous author, Miki Taylor. I read all the time, and when I say all the time I mean constantly.
- I have a humongous love of flowers and plants. All flowers, every single flower. I can’t get enough of their magnificent smells and beautiful greenie leaves.
- I love solving mysteries.
- I have a really, really super big crush on Mr. Bee.
- When I grow up, I want to be a teacher or a detective or a nurse, or in love. I’m not super really absotively sure though

Lilly Lightning Bug
Hi, hi, Hello, Hello. My name is Lilly Lightning Bug, and I am always shining my light on everyone, day or night, my light is always on. Sometimes it shines so bright it keeps me awake at night. Can you imagine? It is such a big stinker bug when I can’t sleep. Would you love to know some super zany zippity stuff about me?
- My favoristic color is yellow and can you guess why?
- My day of birth is Sept 28th.
- I love, love, love helping absolutely positively every single being.
- Tennis, have you ever heard of it? I play it every every, every day. I’m really super awesome good at the volley and I just can’t rave enough about the spectabulously colored yellow balls.
- I’m always chosen by my friends to “light” the way and be the guide whenever we have sleepouts because I’m the only one with a built-in light.
- If you see my light flicker, that means I’m nervous and I get nervous a lot and I mean a lot a lot a lot.
- My friends all tell me that I am the most sympathetic and kind member of the crew.
- When I grow up, I dream of being a nurse, but not just any nurse, I want to work with Eloise Elephant and be the best animal nurse ever, ever, ever.

Sergio Squirrel
Hey, hey, hey, hey I’m Sergio Squirrel, and I am always, always, never am I not the life of the party. I am the coolest most boldacious squirrel around. Yes, you can call me Mr. Popularity and I’m full of fantabulousness and for real am just genuinely awesome. I hear you want to know some snazzy stuff about me, Sergio Squirrel. Well, geeze, there is so much fantabulousness to tell it is going to be a rarilicious thing for me to limit myself, but here goes:
- My favoristic color is purple because that is the color of royalty.
- My day of birth is June 14th the same day as my idol Chris Appletone.
- I am obsessed with hair styles and love to make everyone look & feel their absolute best!
- I want to be just like Chris Appletone when I grow up and be a furstylist to the starry animals because I am filled with pizzazzazzazz and know I have what it takes.
- I have a spectacularly bushy tail. And when I say bushy, I mean
the biggest baddest bushiest tail ever! - Two of my best traits are creatively outgoing and friendly. I mean I am literally a friend making magnet. Everyone just always, always wants to chat with me.
- I want to create my own line of fur products one day and call them Wowilicious.
- Believe it or not, I really enjoy spending time alone, yes solo, and just relaxing. Going for walks alone, sitting under the willow tree reading a magazine alone, floating in the pool alone, and coloring alone. Yes, yes, I really do love it and it is ok to think about yourself and just want to be alone from time to time.

Parker Pig
Well, hello there fellow friends. Yes, we are friends, if you are reading my bio, I have already made you a friend. Not just any friend, you are a friendiferous friend. That is not just any ordinary basic friend, a friendiferous friend is the bestest of friends and the most friendtabulous friend you can be. BTW, I am Parker Pig, but you already knew that right? Some friends call me Park for short or PP, but I am not a big fan of that one if you know what I mean. So, you want to know about me, all me, and only me. Well, do you have about a month? I have so many pigtastic things I could share but I guess I can share just an itsy bitsy teeny weeny little bit about me, lil ole Parker Pig:
- My favoristic color is green, you know, the color of money and I want to make a lot of it when I grow up.
- My day of birth is January 1st. Yes, my parents definitely started that year off right!!
- Some people confuse me with Porky Pig, you know the famous cartoon character, but he is my cousin. I was never much for cartoon acting, I am more of a creative pig.
- One trait that I do share with my cousin is that I stutter when I get really really excited. I am always super happily excited, so I stutter a lot. The crew thinks it is total awesomeness and they will never ever no never stand for anyone saying anything negative about me and my stuttering.
- I always, yes always, most definitely, for real, wear bib overalls. It gives a nod to my favorite design style, farmhouse chic. A little fab farmhouse is so today.
- When it comes to idols, well, my absolute fave is none other than the very design savvy, Zate Berkus. He has it all, interior design, home collections, tv shows, and author. How could he not be who I aspire to be.
- I drink a lot of tummylicious sweet tea.
- I never take anything too seriously.

Brewster ” The Rockin” Rooster
Howdy, Hi, Hi. What’s Up? I’m Brewster “The Rockin” Rooster and I’m a rocking genius, literally. I have an IQ of 160, which yes, is genius territory but I just want to play my guitar and make music. I’m always super chill and never in a rush. So, you want to know a few things about me? Well, I’m pretty simple but will share some amazingly cooltastic fun stuff:
- My favoristic color is red.
- My day of birth is November 3rd.
- I want Manaar Meerkat, Le’on Lion, Cici Crab, Ollie Octopus, and I to start a band. The Animalistics sounds pretty fantastically coolio.
- I could probably win a Nobel prize one day, but I would rather win a Grammy.
- My all-time absolutely number one band is the classic Bugs.
They were amazing. My favorite song of theirs is Hey Dude. - My best friend in the crew is Parker Pig. Sometimes when he is having a hard time studying, I tutor him so he can go to one of the best interior design schools in the United States, Auburn University, with KaiKai Kangaroo.
- I eat super de duper fast, the fastest in the crew.
- I love the beach and can’t wait to live there one day.

Le’on Lion
Whatta Gwaan, Wah gwaan this is hi, what’s up in Jamaican Patois. Why am I sharing this you ask? Because I am Le’on Lion, , and I am from Jamaica. Jamaica is the third largest island in the Caribbean and the largest English-speaking Island. I’m sure you think this is dopilicious and tremendously awesome and you would be right. I am so excited to share my culture and all about my coolpendous self with you:
- My favoristic colors, are black, green, and yellow. Those are the colors of the Jamaican flag.
- My day of birth is February 6th.
- I was born on the same day as my idol, Mars Marley.
- I dream of being a cooltastic singer like him one day.
- I want Manaar Meerkat, Ollie Octopus, Cici Crab, Brewster Rooster, and I to start a band one day. The Animalistics on the cover of Rolling Rock Magazine. I can see it all now. We will be Rock Royalty.
- I’m very charismatically charming, so full of personality and magnetism.
- I write such catchy roartastic reggae inspired songs, you just can’t help but sing along. I dare you, just try. You never ever no never absolutely can’t stop singing my songs.
- I go back to the splendiferous, fantastically awesome island of Jamaica every summer to visit my family and friends and can’t wait to take a crewlicious trip. Yes, a trip with the entire crew to Jamaica.

hattie horse
Hi, Hello I’m Hattie horse and I am totally, stupendously obsessed with photography. My very bestest friendiferous friend is Luca Llama. We go absolutely positively everywhere together. I love, love, love taking photos of his lemon orchard, his lemonade, his lemons, and anything else outside. If I could, I would show you all about me through pictures, but I guess I will have to use words for now.
- My favorite color is pink and yellow.
- My day of birth is June 5th.
- I have a humongous, tremendously, bigtabulous obsession with the 60’s. I love absolutely positively everything about this magnificent era. Yes, I am in my 60’s era.
- I love tie-dye, peace signs, smiley faces, big bright colored flowers. They all make me so, so happy.
- I cherish the camera I use to take my photos with because it was given to me by my grandfather.
- I always wear pink, blue, and yellow streaks in my mane and my tail.
- I am super de duper shy and it takes a long time for me to feel really, super comfortable talking in front of people.
- I must, yes, I must absolutely must be an artist like Randy Warhol. Oh, I just must. Tito Tiger has been giving me art lessons so I can be the very best artist I can be.

Helga hippo
Hey, how ya doin? I’m Helga Hippo and I am just fashionably amazing. I absolutely, positively am. I just moved to the United States from Paris. I oved living in Paris but I was so happy to see the entire crew again. So you want to know more about me? Well, just keep reading, you will be amazed:
- My favoristic color is pink.
- My day of birth is February 29th, yes, I am a leap year girl and technically only have a birthday every four years. How crazy cool is that?
- I meditate every, every day and never miss.
- I’m obsessed, totally, totally obsessed with fashion and am very opinionated about what I wear.
- My very bestest friend is Francesca Flamingo.
- I want to be a famous CEO and run Francesca’s fashion empire one day.
- My favorite food in the whole wide universe is pasta. I just love love love pasta don’t you?
- Pucci is my favorite fashion brand. What is yours?

Luca Llamo
Ciao Bella!! Luca Llamo here and I am forever and always obsessed with lemons. Lemonade, lemon trees, lemon yellow, lemon cake, lemon pudding, lemons, lemons, lemons, I just can’t get enough of lemons. Luca Llama Loves Lemons. Say that 10 times fast LOL. It is certainly a crazy fun mouthful. Of course, I love talking all things lemons, so it is so super easy to chat about myself. All the lemony facts are below:
- My favoristic color is none other than lemon yellow.
- My day of birth is November 1st.
- I make the bestest, no question about it, I truly do make the best lemonade ever!!!
- I have a lemon orchard on my nonna and nonno’s farm.
- I want to be as famous for my lemons as the Aceto family. Their family has been growing lemons for over 200 years on the Amalfi Coast in Italy.
- My favorite trip I ever took was with my nonno to Italy where he took me all through the Amalfi Coast and Ravello eating and drinking everything lemon. Lemon spaghetti, lemon ravioli, limoncello. We bought lemon oils, lemon jam, an entire cookbook all about cooking with lemons and yes, the actual lemons. They were so tastylicious.
- All my clothes have lemons on them.
- I wear yellow socks absolutely every day. Yes, I do truly love lemons.

Charlie chicken
Good day, good day. How’s it goin? I’m Charlie Chicken and I am here to welcome you to all the zippity, zoppity, zappity stuff about me. Yes, all about me, Charlie Chicken. You must be so excited to learn all about me because I am going to be as famous as my idol Jack Jerrick one day. I can see it now, Charlie Chicken, morning news and late-night pop culture anchor. It must happen, it really must!! Well, I guess I better share some super terrific specifics about little ole me:
- My favoristic color is orange.
- My day of birth is July 3rd yes, the same day as Jack Jerrick. I was always destined to be just like Jack!!
- You already know that I am going to be the absolute greatest morning news anchor and late-night pop culture talk show host.
- I always, always never ever leave my house without a microphone. You never know who you might need to interview.
- I’m never ever, no not ever nervous on camera.
- I love to support everyone in the crew. I go to all their events and usually cover them for my channel. Did you know I already have a zillion badillion subscribers?
- I love to work out with Cairo Crocodile at Croc Fitness.
- I enjoy laying under the willow tree down by the stream just daydreaming amazingly fantastically awesome dreams.

heather hummingbird
Hello. Ciao. Hola. Bon jour. Privet. la Orana. Geia. Kon’ nichiwa. Olá. Hallo. NǏ hǎo. Hi, I’m Heather Hummingbird and these are just a few of the ways I know how to say hello. I absolutely, for sure, yes, yes, yes love to share knowledge and super Coolio stuff about me. Are you ready? I know you can’t wait so I won’t keep you in super suspense any longer.
- My favoristic color is metallic seaweed and razzmic berry. I couldn’t pick just one, they are also the colors of my body and feathers so how, just how could I ever just pick one?
- My day of birth is May 28th.
- I have a really super high IQ, 161 to be exact. It’s one of the highest in the world for a little.
- I love, oh how I love science and chemistry. I can’t go a day without doing experiments. I must experiment, I just, just must.
- My very bestest friend in the crew is Lenny Lizard. We love hangin out and just havin fun. We do so many wacky, zany things together. The funtasticness never ends.
- I help Brewster Rooster tutor the crew when they have trouble with an assignment or a subject.
- I love learning about different countries and can’t wait to travel with the crew on crewtastic ventures.
- One of the things I love to do when I just want to chillax is color with every fantabulous box of crazola crayons.

Grady Gorilla
Hey, hey, hey. Hi, I’m Grady. Grady Gorilla I’m kinda really, really shy. I love hanging out with our amazing crew but when new, unfamiliar people are around I hide in the back. Don’t laugh, I know, it’s really hard for me to hide because I am so ginormous but I try. You’re here to learn more about me? All my superduperfabulisticwowieanimalistic fun facts are below:
- My favoristic colors are orange & blue.
- My day of birth is December 25th.
- I want to be the best football player ever and be the star quarterback for Animal University.
- I might be big, but I am extremely sentimental and cry a lot. I cry at movies; I even cry at commercials and that is ok. I am not embarrassed by my crying and if you are sentimental like me you should be proud.
- I dream of the day when I can take the crew to my native country of Africa.
- I’m a pretty good student and I love to write. Maybe one day I might even write a book or five.
- I am a humongous fan of family game night. I always invite our fantabulous crew to game night, and it becomes a huge sleepout with smores and moon pies.
- Cairo Crocodile is my trainer and I work out at Croc Fitness every day and I never ever ever miss a day.

Lenny Lizard
Howdy, howdy. I’m Lenny Lizard . I’m always, always, always laughing and smiling. It just makes absolutely every day funtabulous, and it makes me feel amazeballs and I never ever no never have a bigbaditude. Super funtastic days are just the absolute best and I’m going to make your day the absolute very bestest day because I am going to share every zany coolio thing about me.
- My favoristic color is teal. I just love teal.
- My day of birth is May 22nd.
- I love to go rock climbing. I’m the best rock climber in the crew.
- I love learning about the human body and want to be a surgeon when I grow up. What do you want to be?
- I learned to ride a 2-wheel bike this year. It is so fun being able to ride around and meet the members of the crew. Can you ride a two-wheel bike yet?
- I am not a chef like Molly Moose, but I make the best absolutely bestest grilled cheese ever.
- I have a ginormous, gigantuan crush on Bella Butterfly.
- I love to study my doctor books down by the stream.

Danny Danielle duck
Hello, hello, hi. My name is Danny Danielle Duck and I aspire to be an entrepreneur. You know, I want to start some businesses and be my own boss and be the bestest boss ever, ever, ever. So, you want to know all about me. Well, I have some stupendous funny out of this universe facts I am dying to share with you.
- My favoristic color is blue.
- My day of birth is March 1st.
- I read all the business magazines, Minutes, Fordes, New Kids Times, Biz Monthly. I must learn it all. I must, I must, I really really must.
- I am always the winner of Monopoly when Grady Gorilla invites the crew for family game night.
- My favorite thing to do when I am not reading biz mags is playing in the stream. I love the water. When we have crew swim days at the stream, they are so stupendously funtastic. Nothing is better.
- My briefcase was given to me by my NeeNee, and I take it everywhere. She used it when she was a CEO of GeorgeAnne’s Fabric Store.
- I want a pet hippopotamus, but my parents keep telling me no and I can’t understand why. Can you?
- I’m very adventurous and love to go exploring.

Freddy frog
Howdy, hi, hi. I’m Freddy Frog. Super ambitious, extremely outgoing, and most definitely persistent. Not pushy, no not pushy, just persistent. Do you want to learn all the super de duper fantastically stupendous facts about me? Well, put your feet up and grab a glass of sweet tea because you are about to be entertained.
- My favoristic color is green.
- My day of birth is June 6th.
- I love green grass, blue skies, and a beautiful sunny day.
- I am a huge fan of golf and love playing it every single day. I don’t ever, ever miss.
- I want to grow up and be as good as Cheetah Woods. He is a megamagnificent star and I want to be just like him.
- I will try anything once no matter how big or how small.
- I’m not afraid of anything. Really, honestly, I’m not. Not even Bentley & Betty’s hippopotomonsterous.
- I have a mini vespa that I ride all around our neighborhood. It is way cooler than walking. I use it to run errands for everyone.

TeeTee Toucan
Olá, como vai? That is hi, how are you in Portuguese, the native language of Brazil. I love, love, love, absolutely love Brazil. I want to live there one day. I must, must, must. It is the bestest country in the entire universe. Want to learn more about me, TeeTee Toucan ? Just keep reading I’m entertainingly interesting.
- My favoristic color is hot pink.
- My day of birth is July 10th.
- I want to be a samba dancer when I grow up and be in the Brazilian Carnival.
- I dream of my first visit to Brazil with the crew.
- I dance a lot with Laila Ladybug. We always have so much fantabulously funtastic fun making up new dances and then performing them for the crew. We even teach them our dances occasionally.
- I love when the entire crew has sleepouts.
- Art class is my favorite subject. I always have a spectabulous time when Tito Tiger invites me over to his art studio.
- I love bright colors. That is why hot pink is my favoristic. They make me feel magnificently beautiful.

Petey Jack
Hi. La Orana (yo-rah-nah this is hello in Tahitian). Tahiti is in French Polynesia and that is my native country. Oh hey, forgot to mention my name. I’m Petey Jack and it is very nice to meet you. If I understand the assignment correctly, I am supposed to share some fun facts about myself but the facts I will be sharing will be some stupendously boldaciously funtastic facts because I am anything but plain. Read on to be enlightened.
- My favoristic color is Tahiti Blue. The color of the beautiful waters in French Polynesia.
- My day of birth is September 28th.
- Betty is my very bestest human friend. We became bestest friends because we both absolutely, positively for sure, always wear mis-matched socks. We are so fantabulously amazeballs.
- I’m named after my favorite uncles, Pete & Jack. Their real names were Glenn & John, but they were Uncle Pete & Uncle Jack to me. They were both real genuine awesomeness.
- I want to take the entire crew for a summer long crewventure through French Polynesia. It will be tremendously splendiferous.
- I really, really, love, love, love to garden. I mean I love to grow everything, even roses and share with our neighbors. I have the most beautiful rose bushes anyone has ever seen.
- When I grow up, I want to be a lawyer or a doctor. Or maybe even both, because we can be whatever we want.
- I love riding with my Uncle Jack in the antique car parades they have in our town. His antique cars are super wowie cool.