Host a Bentley & The Crew Day/Event
At your School, Library, Bookstore, Classroom or Club
Author Miki Taylor presents an incredible, super de duper, wowie cool funtabulous, no stress way to celebrate Bentley, Betty, Mr. Bee & The Crew at your school, in your classroom, bookstore, library or club by hosting a Bentley & The Crew Day or event!!
The first book, Bentley’s Fantabulous Idea, is the first in the Adventures of Bentley & The Crew series. “Bentley’s Fantabulous Idea” is an adventure where Bentley & Betty take us on the inaugural adventure of the tantalizing trio of Bentley, a black & white sheepdoodle with a comma on his butt, his bestest, non-furry human friend Betty and their Bumble Bee friend Mr. Bee. The shenanigans ensue when Betty has a school assignment that is the worst, most horrible, despicable assignment ever but she really wants to win the prize for first place. Dilemma, dilemma!! What will she do? Will she complete her assignment? Will she win the prize? Does someone other than Betty come up with the solution?

The tantalizing trio takes us on a journey and introduces us to twenty-one members of their “Crew”. Members such as Cici Crab, Po Peacock, Milo Monkey and Tito Tiger just to name a few. Intrigued yet? Have a zillion ideas swirling in your head about what happens??? Will the Crew” play into the solution? This zany, fun filled adventure is sure to enlighten & entertain with life lessons & education disguised as fun that will engage while setting imaginations soaring.
Miki’s entertaining & educational presentation brings her first book, “Bentley’s Fantabulous Idea” to life and shares some of the special meanings behind the characters and the creation of the book and what follow up books are already in the works!!
Sample Programs:

Bentley & The Crew Fun Day
Will be the bestest, most fantabulous day ever complete with contests, games, readings, activities, shopping and everyone’s favorite – snacks!! Great for incorporating into your PTO days, fundraisers, and in conjunction with other school events.

Well, what are you waiting for??????
Whether you want to host an entire day or just an event, we make it a no stress fun event because we do all the planning and provide you with everything you need to have a memorable event your students won’t stop talking about. Let the adventure begin, schedule your day or event using the form below!!
Would you like the honor of hosting the Author’s Launch Party for the release of Bentley’s Fantabulous Idea? There can only be one so don’t walk, RUN, RUN, RUN to the inquiry form below and share your interest in hosting for more information.
We are currently scheduling for Winter 2023 & 2024.

Hosting a Bentley & The Crew Fun Day/Event FAQs

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